Apple Inc. vs FBI A Jurisprudential Approach to the case of San Bernardino

Abstract In the recent technology dispute between FBI and Apple Inc. over the investigation of Syed Farook in the mass killing that happened at San Bernardino, California where US Government seeks to order requiring Apple Inc. (‘‘Apple’’) to bypass the pass-code security on an apple device, is required and important to be granted by the US District Court and this essay stands as an critique to the order dated 29th March 2016, passed by the learned magistrate of the US District Court as viewing the dispute from a jurisprudential point of view which states that Right are important but life of a person in more important. If doing so, helps to provide safety for the general public in the long run then the Court should order the Company to make the software. Further, the essay proves the jurisprudential approaches given by philosophers like Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill that Rights are important and they should be protected because in the longer run society will be happy. As they advocated that rights are important just because of collective happiness which is gained by it.