ABSTRACT “The initial trauma of a young child may go underground, but it will return to haunt us.” Crimes against women or girls have increased at a fast pace andalthough this malice is not a new concept, it’s meaning existed differently before.It has now changed its course and has become rather malevolent in nature. To bring about change, it is essential to find the root cause at micro level rather than focusing on an overall perception.There is substantial proof so as to say that girls are most vulnerable to sexual abuse today and need special care and attention.One form of child abuse is child marriagethathas effects on children both physically and psychologically, leading to the death or permanent damage of many young girls.This paper willhighlight the history and current scenario of this practice in India and its consequences by stating example of the auspicious festival called akhateej. With a brief discussion of the statutory provisions in Indian laws, I shall bring light to the fact that an attempt must be made in removing such a practice from its roots, preventing it altogether, rather than looking for only judicial remedies in the process.