Introduction In this epoch of ferocious competition, antagonistic promotion and battle of brands, comparative advertising is a very relevant and definitely an interesting phenomenon. We are living in this global village where advertisers are continually trying to dominate the fame by promoting their brand and stating their own products are better than any other in the market. Advertising has become a serious and big business where brands compete with each other by top notch marketing and constant comparison of the merits and demerits of the other brands to prove that one is better than the other. The motive behind such marketing is to create more consumer demand and therefore more sales henceforth more profit, like a chain reaction. Advertisements build up a psychology in consumers mind of what is good an appealing to the International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies :ISSN:2348-8212:Volume 3 Issue 1 28 eye as a consequence of which the consumer generally get attracted to the more advertised product and ignore the less advertised one. Advertisements create brand image and reinforce it time and again. It intends to create brand loyalty amongst the users of a particular brand.