Consequences of India Signing the Hague Convention, 1980

Abstract In this era of growing cultural barriers there is a significant growth of revolt amongst the youths against these cultural norms. Boundaries divide the nations but families unite them. The family matters involving child abduction across international boundaries are not of a local concern. It has a global character. Thus, there arises a need for resolving the disputing laws of nations and giving effect to creation of private international laws on this matter.It in turn presses on the need to create a treaty at the international level. The Hague Convention of 1980 is an initiative for that purpose. The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction was signed on 25th October, 1980 and came into force on 1st December, 1983. Ninety three countries are party to this convention as of February, 2015. Although, India is not a signatory, the jurists and the advocates have reiterated the need for India to sign the Convention.