Human Rights of Women and Children: with special reference to trafficking and prostitution

Human Rights, which, by literal meaning itself portray the wide principles and certain ethos that must be kept in mind while dealing with anything related to human beings, it alsocovers everything in the ambit of man’s knowledge and vision. Hence this proves the intensity and gravity of these rights and the way they have to be framed, interpreted, enforced and used. Therefore it is very important to take a noted account of human dignity which is our one of the most crucial intangible needs. The victims to the denial of this very need are women and children. Many a times neutral rules do not take into account the extent to which historical stereotypes and material realities impact on women’s lives. And as the suppression and inferiority of women to men begin at childhood, efforts to combat the same problem must begin in a way that they can make a positive impact on them in their formative years itself. While there can be enrichment of children’s rights from women’s rights, advancement of women’s rights can also occur from rights of children. That’s why empowering of both women and children is very necessary as the inferiority of women to men starts in childhood so the longed battle of discrimination between women and men must also begin at an early age.