Insider trading” laws in India – Status before and after the enactment of Indian Companies Act, 2013

ABSTRACT The new Indian Companies Act of 2013 has introduced several new concepts, and one of which is that of the Insider Trading. This article is an attempt to analyse the nuances of this concept. This article traces back the source by which this concept has been broached in India. The article contains a detailed analysis on the followings: i) Introduction – A detailed analysis of the concept of Insider Trading. It also traces the background of this concept from an international as well as an Indian perspective. ii) Why it is necessary to regulate insider trading– Under this section of the article the necessity to regulate insider tradinghas been analysed. iii) Indian Constitution viz-a-viz Unlawful insider trading– Relationship between the Insider Trading laws along with the provisions of the Indian Constitution have been analysed in this section of the article. iv) Insider Trading Laws in India - before and after enactment of Indian 2013 Act –Laws upon insider trading in India have been categorized into two typesunder this section of the article. Here the laws before the Companies Act, 2013 and after the Companies Act, 2013 have been analysed.