Abstract: “To bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and International Law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations, which might lead to a breach of the peace”. This is one of the purposes of United Nations embedded in its statute. Many a time’s peace of the world is hampered by extreme ferocity against humans, wherein ethnic cleansing crusades are operated mercilessly. Targeting people from a particular ethnic sect are motivated by various factors out of which political factors are seen occupying dominant position over the others. This research paper would focus on the infamous Rwandan Genocide of 1994 and its impact on international criminal justice system. The paper has been segmented into various subheads namely introduction: which would lay down cardinal facts regarding Rwandan genocide and how attempts made at tackling the disastrous consequences, Genocide: meaning and events, describing what actually genocide is under “The Convention on Prevention and Punishment of Genocide” and events classified under the term, Historical evidence of ethnic division: discussing how Rwandan culture has vindicated the ethnic detachment of the Hutus and Tutsi (sects involved in the genocide), Establishment of International Criminal Tribunal Rwanda laying down the purpose of such institution and activity of the same till date and finally, the conclusion which discusses related cases of genocide throughout the world and international reaction towards the same.