Legal Issues in Commercial Surrogacy: An Analytical Study

Abstract Legal Issues in Commercial Surrogacy: An Analytical Study Surrogacy can be defined as the method of reproduction whereby a woman agrees to conceive for the purpose of giving birth to a child; she will not raise but will hand over to a contracted party. Two types of surrogacy is prevalent at present times, 1) Gestational Surrogacy 2) Traditional surrogacy. In the first one the mother is the child’s genetic mother and in the second case she will be the gestational carrier, carrying the fetus till delivery after being implanted with the embryo. When certain compensation is given to the pregnant lady for being pregnant apart from the medical cost the act is termed as commercial surrogacy. In the present times commercial surrogacy has come as a blessing for those couples who cannot get have their own children and also for same sex couples who want to have their own children.