Abstract The paper focuses on pornography and its internet pornographic substance in relation to the effects on child thereby applying the legal positions. Pornography is an act of sexual related activities involving a human beings whereby a depict image substance of a person will be displayed. Currently, pornography has advanced in the form of technology applications in a different means and also the method engaged is the use of internet. The paper aims at examining pornography as a subject and its internet application by accessing their effects on children as the most vulnerable subjects in porno-captivity dilemma. The paper seeks to examine the relevant laws meant to regulate the dissemination of pornography substance in the internet and other devices with a view to examine Nigerian local laws and Bill, African regional law and international law. The methodology of the paper adopted is doctrinal approach wherein both primary and secondary sources of data were analysed. The primary sources include legislations on the subject area particularly at the international level and the secondary sources are the relevant literature consulted on the area. The finding of the paper reveals there are available laws that are strong and meant to regulate the distribution of pornography substance in the internet and thus requires enforcement to fulfil the task both at the local, regional and international level. The paper recommends that parents and guardian should be aware of the nature, extent, spread and effects of pornography to children, particularly in the present application of internet and mobile devices, so as to prevent children from being victims.