Abstract Religion is the most pristine social institution that has off late gained significance across all societies as a vital element of social recognition and integration. In the ancient era, religion played the additional universal role as a manifested device of social control. With the evolution of legal system, the familiarity of religion as a device of social control has been superseded by the rigid laws. However in countries like India, which house a wide diaspora, the laws are flexible to accommodate the needs of the diverse population. India upholds the concept of Secularism to treat all religions equally. India through the decades has witnessed many instances of religious intolerance and violence which have undermined the spirit of Secularism and raised doubts about the upright legal machinery. The utmost blind faith vested on the supernatural foundation has inevitably led to the rise of self-proclaimed gods; a new facet of corruption. Despite the shortcomings, the law enforcement bodies have recognised the need to implement changes and different laws have been enactedby the local and state authorities. The religious freedom and restrictions need to be attributed an equal footing to encourage coexistence and harmony