Abstract Privacy has been defined in several ways over last hundreds of years. Judge Thomas Cooley called it as a right to be let alone. Time and again philosophers, scholars and Jurists tried to lament the difficulty to satisfy the concept of privacy. Aurther Miller in his work has declared privacy as difficult to define as its nature is exasperatingly vague and evanescent. Privacy is a sweeping concept, encompassing (among other things) freedom of thought, control over one’s body, solitude in one’s home, control over information about oneself, freedom from surveillance, protection of one’s reputation, and protection from searches and interrogations. Indian polity has been continuously debating on merits and demerits of clouding data of one and all citizens of the country through UID system ever since the concept of ADHAAR has been introduced. This UID system carry necessary biometric data, which if falls in the wrong hands can be very dangerous to the society. It’s one of the few possible consequences may be identity thef