Abstract Part IV of the Constitution of India provides for the Directive Principles of State Policy. Though these principles are non-enforceable but are indispensable in the governance of the country. One such directive principle is given underArticle 44 of the Constitution which creates an obligation on the state to enact a Uniform Civil Code. Over the years various directionshave been issued by the Supreme Court for its implementation. But, due to excessive politicization it is still a distant dream. In the absence of a uniform law regarding personal matters like marriage, divorce, adoptions, etc., various personal laws are applicable to different religious communities. These laws find their source and authority in their religious texts and customs which provides for gender discriminatory practices. The paperaimsto achieve a balance between Right to Freedom of Religion and Right to Equality by segregating the ‘essential religious practices’ and ‘secular activities’.The need of the hour is to enact a Uniform Civil Code but that should be done slowly and gradually after making the people especially the minorities, aware about its scope and extent.