ABSTRACT By looking at the present scenario where gender based violence such as sexual harassment at workplace is spreading at a thrust all around in India. Women at the public sector are more prone to this violence because of the nature of their jobs which involves interaction with their colleagues. Women are brutally harassed by the torturous suppression of not only men but also by the whole society this not only lowers their performance rates but also affects their mental health. Sexual assault of women is becoming one of the most common crimes in India which not only infringes the fundamental rights of women but sometimes in the form of eve teasing, rapes and sexual harassment at work place it leads to suicides and jobs turnover. In a report by National Crime Reports Bureau Ministry of Home Affairs it was mentioned that crime against women is rapidly increasing from 41.7% in 2012 to 52.2% in 2013.With the increasing rate of crime against womenIndia has finally enacted its laws on prevention of women from sexual harassment at workplace as “The Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill,2010” was passed which defines sexual harassment and how it seeks to provide a mechanism for redressing complaints and “Sexual Harassment of women at workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,2013 and Criminal Law (Amendment)Act,2013”were passed these acts explains that what all can tantamount to sexual harassment and how workplaces can be more proactive about ensuring the dignity of a women but somewhere the measures taken are still lacking behind. The problems with the measures taken are to be discussed in this paper which is an attempt to explain the sexual harassment in current scenario with its legal status and how organizations can help in maintaining the dignity of a woman.