International Journal of Law and Legal Jurisprudence Studies (ISSN 2348-8212 ) is an  peer reviewed, open access, online journal in English for the enhancement of research in various discipline of Law. IJLLJS brings together Judges ,Advocates , Academician, Scholars and Students of Law.The journal is an endeavor  to promote high quality legal research.

Submit your  write-ups in the form of Case Comments, Legislative Comments, Short Articles, Long Articles and Book Reviews. The submissions should be well-researched and involve critical analysis of domestic or international legal issues/developments that are relevant and contemporary.

A submission may fall within any of the following categories:

Articles (5,000-15,000 words)
Short Articles (5,000 words); and
Essays (3,000 words)

The above limits are exclusive of footnotes. We are also open to discussing potential submissions that are substantially longer or shorter. Please get in touch with us for further information and to discuss any such proposals you may have. However, please note that we do not accept unsolicited book reviews.

Any footnoting style may be adopted as long as it is internally consistent.


We only accept previously unpublished submissions. All submissions will be subject to a plagiarism check.

Format of Submissions

Please send in your submissions in MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) or Open Office (*.odt) to  along with the following information:

Position / Year of Study
Author contact information
An abstract of not more than 200 words


Submission of the manuscript represent that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not considered for publication elsewhere. Authors would be required to sign a CTA form (Copy Right Transfer Agreement) once the manuscript is accepted which would be sent to the corresponding author’s email. The corresponding author can download the form and after getting authors and co-authors signature it can be send as an attachment file after scanning to the journal

Submission of Manuscript

All manuscripts should be submitted either via online submission system or via e-mail to  as an attachment for quick evaluation.